To address this issue, we propose to examine the effect of overall justice on RFC. Yet, to date, limited empirical work has examined the effect of overall justice in the context of change ( Rodell and Colquitt, 2009 Marzucco et al., 2014).
Justice scholars have echoed such an argument by calling for more research on overall justice ( Greenberg, 2001 Shapiro, 2001 Ambrose and Schminke, 2009).
This fairness evaluation is of importance since it influences employees’ reactions to subsequent events and guides their behaviors ( Lind, 2001). According to the FHT, employees develop an overall and initial fairness judgment that stays stable over time. Although one study has showed that distributive and procedural justice affect RFC ( Shah, 2011), further examination is required to examine the impact of overall justice on RFC. The present study aims at contributing to the examination of the antecedents of RFC by addressing three important research questions that have received relatively little attention.įirst, we draw on Lind (2001) FHT to suggest that overall justice influences RFC. Given the crucial role that RFC plays in organizational changes successes ( Neves, 2009 Haffar et al., 2013 McKay et al., 2013 Santhidran et al., 2013), it has received a growing attention from scholars and is therefore currently viewed as a key change attitudinal variable ( Choi, 2011). It refers to employees’ beliefs, attitudes, and intentions regarding the extent to which changes are needed and the organization is capable to successfully implement those changes ( Armenakis et al., 1993). Readiness for change is recognized as a cognitive precursor of resistance to change and, conversely, of change support ( Armenakis et al., 1993). Extending knowledge about the psychological mechanisms of employees’ reactions to specific change initiatives is thus invaluable to both scholars and practitioners. Employees’ attitudes are a central cause for change projects failure ( Choi, 2011). However, about two-thirds of organizational efforts to implement planned change fail ( Beer and Nohria, 2000 Meaney and Pung, 2008). As a whole, these results show the relevance of social exchange theory to better understand how employees become ready to change in organizational settings.Īs a decisive factor for long-term success and survival of an organization, change has become an inherent and integral part of organizational life ( By, 2005). Results of the path analyses indicated that POS mediates the positive effect of organizational justice on RFC, while OID does not act as a mediator in this relationship. One hundred and forty-five employees of a company located in France participated in a survey-based study. Relying on social exchange theory and social identity theory, this paper investigates the concomitant mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational identification (OID) between overall justice and RFC. Little is known, however, on the mechanisms underlying this relationship. In particular, RFC has been shown to be positively predicted by employees’ perceptions of fair treatment. A body of research has accordingly investigated the determinants of employees’ RFC. The literature has identified readiness for change (RFC) as an important cognitive precursor of resistance. However, more than 70% of organizational change initiatives fail, mostly due to employees’ resistance to change. Survival in today’s global economy requires organizations to be flexible and adapt readily to the ever-changing marketplace. 3Kedge Business School, Talence, France.2Psychological Sciences Research Institute, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.1Centre de Recherche et d’Études en Gestion, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France.Elodie Arnéguy 1,2*, Marc Ohana 3 and Florence Stinglhamber 2